How to find the Version, Culture and PublicKeyToken of an Assembly (DLL) using PowerShell

In response to a question on my article How to install a DLL to the GAC on Windows Server 2012 using only PowerShell (without having to install SDK or Visual Studio) here’s how you can find the PublicKeyToken for a DLL using only PowerShell.


The output of this PowerShell statement will provide the Version, Culture and PublicKeyToken as shown below.
MyDLL, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=630d986a50055aa6

6 thoughts on “How to find the Version, Culture and PublicKeyToken of an Assembly (DLL) using PowerShell

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    1. What details do you have to identify the DLL or are you looking for a dump of all DLLs? There are usually quite a few DLL’s in the GAC and you also have separate 32 and 64 bit areas of the GAC.


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